Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's happening at:

Lone Oak Farms...
Up today at 5am. Ran the wild black raspberries that Tyler and I picked on Tuesday through the Squeezo this morning. The juice is in the freezer for making jam at a later time. We managed enough in two picking for two batches. Yum! It's our favorite. Spent an hour catching up on some farmers' market loose ends and will head out to feed and water the chickens and open the coops. Yesterday's heavy rain and the threat of storms again today will probably keep me out of the gardens. I plan to start some lettuce, basils, and curcurbits in flats and put them in the greenhouse. The rain washed off the organic spray I used yesterday to try to fight off the tomato blight which is already showing its ugly head. As soon as the threat of rain is over, I'll be spraying again. Also have to run to Wheeling to deliver my eggs to the market then head to Jacobsburg to pick up our weekly share of raw milk. If it's not too wet, we hope to mow a few rows in the blueberry patch and hope we find some berries the birds missed so we can freeze a few and take some to market.

Confections by Connie...
Having trouble with crows going in the hen house and stealing our eggs! Any suggestions?

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